When I talked about my dreams, most of my friends and relatives used to say : « How do you remember your dreams ? I would like to tell you about my dream last night, but I’ve already forgotten it. ». My courageous soul, this is normal. There are people who forget their dreams and they don’t pay too much attention to them anyway.

If you feel a little bit strange when hearing this, well you shouldn’t. You are not a weird person ! You have already understood that there is a meaning behind every dream, a message or a teaching that may help. While other people forget their dreams for some reason… Let’s see why !

They think that their dreams are just for fun

Yes, courageous soul, some people find their dreams funny. They remember few dreams and only the funny ones, those that they can tell to their friends and laugh. They forget the rest, because they don’t pay too much attention to them.

For these people, dreams are like a bracelet or some accessories they can live without. Even when they dream, they have no interest in finding meanings, interpreting, nor doing inner work about it.

A dream is like seeing a psychologist or booking a hypnosis session. They can live their entire life without this.

It’s their personality, their lifestyle. Don’t judge them for that. And if they judge you for paying too much attention to your dreams, don’t listen to them. Your life is not their business ! Do what your inner voice tells you !

If you listen to your intuition, it will tell you what is best to do about your dreams.

A secret key to remember every single dream

Would you like to have a personal assistant, someone who tells you the dreams that you had last night and that you don’t remember ?

No, my courageous soul, you don’t have to hire anybody. Nobody has access to your thoughts and neither to your dreams. The only one who can do it is you !

…with a notebook and a pen next to you bed. Which means that you will be able to write your dreams as soon as you wake up, without having to get out of the bed.

What happens next ? Once you have written down your dreams, you can go to sleep.

You’ll analyze your dream and find the meanings later that day, or even next weekend if you are very busy.

Your pen sitting close to your bed is your best ally. The one that can help you remember every single dream.

Sometimes we say NO to our dreams

Imagine that your dream is a friend who knocks at your door. Most of the time, you would open the door. But when you know that they have something to tell you that you may not like, you can also pretend that you’re not at home. And you won’t open the door.

The same happened to me when my grandmother was living her last days. In my dream, I was having a walk with her and my grandfather, who wasn’t alive anymore at that time.

Suddenly, we are seeing a beautiful ladder, I think it is golden. Maybe I tell this because the stairs are shining in the sun. That ladder goes up in the sky and it seems that it has no end.

My grandparents are going to climb the stairs, and I want to climb with them. But my grandfather puts his hand on my head and I realize I am a child, even if I feel older. Then, he tells me that it’s not the right time for me, that they will climb up there without me.

I feel so disappointed and then… I woke up !

That morning, I forgot my dream. And I remembered it a few days later, when my mother called me and told me that my grandmother died.

As you imagine, my courageous soul, this dream was a premonition. Its role was to tell me that my grandmother will pass away soon.

Do you think that I liked the message ? Of course not. This is why it erased itself from my memory.

Sometimes we don’t like the message of our dreams. And we forget them automatically. Our mind does this to protect us.


I need to go and have a walk now, but let’s see each other in my next post. Meanwhile, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

If you need to analyze your dreams and ask me what I think about it, you can also book a free call with me. It will be on Zoom, so choose a time that suits you and be ready to turn your webcam on.