When I was telling my dreams to my close friends, they used to think it’s a waste of time. According to them, focusing on waking life was the priority… Really ? What about the mornings when I woke up scared and confused ? Knowing that all those dreams and nightmares come back again and again because they have an important message. A message that I need to hear, even if it was not clear enough at that time.
I was told so many times that paying attention to my dreams is silly that I ended up cleaning up my memories every morning. Then, my dreams had enough of being unheard and unseen. They were so angry with me that they sent me a repetitive nightmare. This nightmare came back as many times as needed … until I realized that I had to find the meanings of my dreams instead of rejecting them.

Dreams are not movies, nor TV series. Dreams are not there for entertainment, but rather to create a bridge of communication with our subconscious mind. And sometimes with our higher mind. This is why I thought about the reasons why it’s important to find the meanings of your dreams.

When dreams feel seen and heard, you will wake up happy

When you see this statement, you may say that I’m crazy. Let me explain why I’m talking about dreams as if they were human beings.

Even if they are not persons, dreams have a message for you. A meaning, an advice, a teaching that you need to hear. When you refuse to receive this message, dreams come back again and again. The message may come through a nightmare, so that you feel confused in the morning and commit yourself to interpreting your dream.

If you reject your dreams, they will come back as many times as you need to change your attitude. You will feel more confused and more scared in the morning.

The day you learn to receive your dream, understand its message and take action accordingly… the nightmare will stop coming. You will have other dreams instead and wake up happy.

Ever exhausting nightmare can become a wonderful dream

I know that it sounds like a fantasy, but this is true. I kept on receiving a nightmare for years, until I decided to interpret it and see what its message was.

That nightmare had a job : to highlight one of my biggest fears. A fear that I needed to acknowledge in order to achieve some goals in my career and some other areas of my life.

While working on this fear in my daily life… the fear was diminishing in my nightmares too. One night, I wasn’t afraid anymore and had a very good surprise in the dream. I won’t tell you what the surprise was, because I’m going to reveal it in the one-woman show that I’m preparing.

The only thing that I can tell you is that I ended by transforming an exhausting nightmare into an amazing dream. Thanks to working on my fears.

Some dreams reveal things that we refuse to see

In my nightmares, every time somebody wants to attack me or harm me in some way, it is always a man. Even if I don’t see this man in the dream, I know it’s a man ! Why ?

I explored my life events and realized that I had a very negative image about men. This is why I have never been truly happy in relationships and this frustration had a bad impact on other areas of my life.

Why did I have trouble communicating with men ? After exploring my thoughts and my childhood memories, I realized that it all started with a lack of communication with my father.

At the beginning, I didn’t want to remember my childhood. I didn’t want to admit that I have a negative image about men either. However, I couldn’t be happy in relationships because of these patterns that I refused to see. This is why my dreams decided to help me and highlight what I needed to see.

Interpreting dreams is as powerful as therapy

Does it happen to succeed in most areas of your life, but fail in achieving one thing that you would love ? For example, you succeed in your career, you have an amazing family and enjoy traveling on holidays. However, you can’t have the relationship that you are reeling about.

When there is something that you would like to achieve and you can’t, there is often an obstacle on your way. This obstacle can be a limiting belief, a lack of self confidence, or a toxic pattern. And your subconscious mind is highlighting your obstacles through your dreams.

To release a pattern or a limiting belief, you can book a hypnosis session or choose some other type of therapy. Interpreting dreams can be a very effective alternative, especially when you remember your dreams.

Your dream can highlight your biggest fears, but also patterns and limiting beliefs. When you decide to interpret your dreams, this may lead to creating a healthy belief system and activating the law of attraction.

Dreams can sometimes reveal information about your life purpose

Believe it or not, dreams are not only a bridge to your subconscious mind, but also a place where you can listen to the message of your higher mind. The higher mind or higher self is that part of you who knows your life purpose. It knows your ancestors’ wounds, it knows your past lives.

However, your higher mind will not reveal to you everything that it knows, but only that information that you need to hear now. That information that is useful to overcome your current challenges.

Your higher mind can also use your dreams to warn you when you are doing something wrong or when you need to change something. All you need to do is to interpret the dream and take into account the message. Follow its advice to overcome your current challenges more easily.

Some dreams can reveal your a future event

It doesn’t happen very often, but some people get information about a future event in their dreams.

As far as I’m concerned, I received this type of dream only once. That dream was announcing to me that my grandmother was going to pass away. I forgot it and forgetting was a way to protect myself from something I didn’t want to know. Of course, I remembered the dream after she died and I acknowledged that it was a premonition.

Some dreams offer a space of communication with the dead ones

Halloween is in a few days and this makes me think about communicating with the dead ones. I received many dreams with my grandparents, family friends and other people who passed away. I even had the opportunity to play once more with my bellowed cat.

Dead people often come into my dreams and most of the time they don’t have any message for me. I can only acknowledge their presence and be happy to see them. Sometimes I realize that it’s a dream and they are dead, some other times I don’t.

Do you find yourself in one of the elements in this article ? If you need to discuss more in depth about your dreams and see if I can help you, book a discovery call with me. It’s free and you’ll have 30 minutes to ask me your questions. Would you like to discuss your dreams on Zoom ?