At work, surrounded by about ten colleagues. Now I know what I have to do and I can already start working, but I feel that something is stopping me. I’m getting nervous. Why am I getting nervous? I don’t know… Maybe it’s because I don’t feel seen.

Nobody is talking to me. Nobody notices that I’m there. I feel like a ghost and I’m even wondering if my colleagues are aware that I am in the office.

The anxiety related to new places and new people

This is the first day at work. I’ve just been introduced to my new colleagues. They’ve presented themselves. We talked about the work that has to be done and now I have a list of tasks for the day.

However, there is still something blocking me. I could start working, but I can’t. Now they are all taking in small groups, but nobody has anything to tell me. Are they talking about me ? Maybe they don’t like me… Is it true or am I exaggerating?

As I feel unheard and unnoticed, anxiety is going up. I know this anxiety invading my heart, my arms, my legs. I feel that it makes my blood boil, but actually it freezes my bones.

It’s the anxiety of arriving in a new place with new people. The never-ending search of conversation topics. The anxiety of introverts who want to connect and can’t.

Getting rid of this introverts’ anxiety in my dreams

After the lunch break, everything starts again. This time, there are about 30 colleagues talking in small groups, nobody is noticing me. They’re talking to each other with passion, enthusiasm and joy, but I feel like a ghost. Are they aware of my presence ? I’m not sure…

Suddenly, I remember some tips I’ve recently read in a book. Some tips to start conversations with ease and to find conversation topics.

Two colleagues in front of me are talking. I’m quickly searching for a topic that they may enjoy talking about. That’s it! As soon as I find the magical topic, I go towards them and we start a funny conversation.

A few minutes later, I see a new group of colleagues. What would they like to talk about ? As soon as I find an interesting topic for them, I go to them and start another funny conversation.

All those tips for starting conversations are working ! I’m still a little bit nervous, but anxiety starts to go away. My bones feel less frozen now. It’s working ! Finally !

And then I wake up. It was a dream.

Analyzing my dream, dancing with the introvert anxiety

How is it possible to feel so good in a company and have such a strange dream where I feel unnoticed ? Let me tell you that I love the environment where I’m working and that I felt confident from the very first day. So why this dream ?

Well, dreams are not reflecting the waking life reality. Instead, their purpose is to show you blocks and fears that you need to work on. Sometimes there are people you know doing things that would have never done in waking life, but this is just the background.

In a dream, you may find yourself in places that you know, with colleagues, friends or siblings. There are always some elements that you are familiar to, but also new ones. All these elements are tools and symbols. Their purpose is to help you understand something about yourself that you haven’t noticed in waking life.

Dreams help knowing yourself, identifying your fears and overcome them

Who knows you better than yourself ? People often ask this question, thinking that the answer is yourself. It depends… Sometimes we don’t know ourselves enough, we don’t listen to ourselves enough.

Then who knows us better than ourselves ? Our dreams. Every new dream that we remember can reveal facets of us that we weren’t aware.

In my case, this dream highlighted my fear of starting something new, knowing new people and especially the fear of not being able to connect. They anxiety of introverts is to want to connect and no be able to. To find themselves in a group of people, unable to find interesting conversation topics. Same for ambiverts.

When dreams train you to become better in waking life

Let my ask you a question : Have you noticed that my dreams looks like a training session?

It’s not the first time that my dreams give me the opportunity to train and become better in my waking life. The opportunity to notice my biggest fears, dance with them, find solutions to get rid of them and test these solutions. Efficient and timesaving, don’t you think ?

Thanks to me dreams, I don’t need anymore to try and fail so many times in waking life. Because half of the job is done during the dream. To be honest, I need more dreams like this one to help me get rid of every fear and every blockage.

Would you like me to gift you an e-book about dream analysis ?

As I wrote this blogpost, I noticed that there are several types of dreams. Some of them are helping us better know ourselves, other are « personal trainers ». A few dreams can also predict future, even if it doesn’t often happen this way.