Last week, full week! I attended three live events, including Brenda Adelman’s Open Mic. It’s a live show co-created by several storytellers. Before sharing a meaningful dream with my grandparents and my secrets to get lucid dreams, let me tell you who Brenda is and explain to you the concept of acting on Open Mic.

Who is Brenda Adelman?

For those who don’t know yet Brenda Adelman, she’s an U.S. actress, storytelling teacher and award winner for her one-woman show. After creating her one-woman show and performing it in several countries in 3 continents, she decided to coach actors and entrepreneurs who are looking forward to creating their solo-show.

What happens during Brenda Adelman’s Open Mic?

In addition to launching Facebook challenges for storytellers and teaching acting techniques inside her membership Soul Story Lounge, Brenda Adelman is often creating Open Mics. An opportunity for the members of her groups and clients to perform live on the virtual stage. Each Open Mic is held on her Facebook page on you can watch us acting here:

As you understood it already, the Open Mic is the live event that Brenda’s followers enjoy watching. For those who act and tell their story in 5 minutes, it’s one of the best opportunities to take the stage. See their evolution in time, which is exactly what happened to me (I used to be rather shy acting in front of the camera during the first Open Mic I attended).

I shared my dream about my grandparents

The last two Open Mics were held on April 27th and on April 28th. With all the events I had in my agenda, I could have chosen to let other storytellers attend and wait until the next one. But how could I do this? Skip such a golden opportunity to find a piece, see my enthusiasm growing, live the energy of the moment… I can’t let go any acting opportunity.

As I’m a Dream Analysis Practitioner, I enjoy telling my dreams on the virtual stage and give tips to help my audience understand the meaning of their dreams.

This time, I shared a dream with my grandparents that can be seen as a nightmare, until I analyze it from a different perspective. I’m also giving a tip to get lucid dreams by the end of the talk. Here is the dream that I recorded live a few minutes after the Open Mic ended: