It’s been a while since I’ve wondered who my spirit guides are. I know one of them, but I’m not sure yet about the other ones. The only guide that I know up to now is the one that showed up during a shamanic journey. Who can be the other ones? Siblings, angels, Merlin, … Let me tell you the next step I’m taking in finding my spirit guides, and also give you an idea if you are searching yours.

Enrolling a 5-day challenge to meet spirits guides next week

Before telling you my journey of searching for my spirit guides, let me share with you an event that I’m attending next week. It’s a 5-day challenge created by Rachael Rawnsley that you can also join here:
It can be helpful if you don’t know your spirit guides yet, but also if you think that you don’t know them all.

Rachael will give us daily prompts to find our guides, I can’t wait to start the process and see the results it has in my journey. There will be a live session on Wednesday so that we can ask her questions.
No matter what results I get and how quickly, I’m looking forward to posting another blog post. Or a video. Let me see what I can do and I will let you know.

How I met my power animal

By the end of the shamanic journey last year, I was supposed to find my power animal and my spirit guide, or none of them. It depends on each person, when they don’t show up it means that it’s not the right time. Spirits guides show up in a particular moment of your life, when their guidance is needed. If it’s too early, they don’t come.

At that time, no spirit guide showed up. Instead, the fox came as soon as we started the journey to call the power animal. I know that it’s a SHE and I understood quite quickly the guidance she is supposed to bring me. Later, I checked on the Internet and confirmed it. And confirmed it once more thanks to the booklet of one of my oracle decks: Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson.

In my journey in finding my Spirit Guides, I’m thinking about my family

When I think about spirit guides, I automatically think about my grandparents, who often show up in my dreams. However, not all of them. I have an inner thought that my grandmother (my mother’s mother) has a very high vibration and can guide my steps. Could she become my Spirit Guide? No idea.

Dreaming with my grandmother
Meanwhile, I have doubts concerning my father’s parents. They passed away taking with them unsolved issues and generational wounds that I’m healing now. I rather see them as receivers of my generational wounds healing than as guides.

One of my cats could also be a guide. She showed up in a dream after she died and took me to the kitchen where my grandmother was waiting for me. Thanks to my beloved cat, I released the fear of dreams with deceased ones, knowing that these kinds of dreams used to scare me. Usually when deceased people come into my dreams, those are lucid dreams. I felt surrounded by ghosts and this used to scare me. Not anymore, thanks to my beloved cat who you can see in this picture:

Who else could be my spirit guide?

Angels, archangels, spirits of those who lived decades ago… There are so many options and I have no idea who could show up next. Merlin could be my spirit guide, as I love magic and I’m looking forward to developing my spiritual gifts.

Whoever they are, I know that they will come at the right time. Some of them may arrive within a few decades, depending on how my life evolves and when their guidance will be needed.

I’m letting the future reveal my spirit guides and will let you know about my next steps in this journey. Meanwhile, feel free to share with me your journey in finding your Spirit Guides. You can send me a friend request on Facebook or join the Dreamtellers’ Group:

Rita Dreamteller