Rita Mind, the dream teller and dream interpreter


Rita is the child who used to have repetitive nightmares. She was followed by a mysterious character in her grandparents’ house. As a student, she was too afraid to give her opinions and her fears came back in her dreams. As a corporate professional, she was afraid to listen to her inner calling and share her ideas in videos. And in her personal life, couldn’t find her place in relationships.

These are four aspects of the personality of Roxana, who chose the name “Rita Mind” for her creative projects. Rita is the name of her lovely cat who is not alive anymore, but who makes her be playful and create with love. Rita also used to call herself the “Observing Lady”, then the “Observing Queen” because of her introverted personality. Now, she’s happy to write blog posts for Meaningful dreams and find ideas for her next videos.

The dreams that deserved a movie, a book or… a one-woman show

Let’s stop talking in the 3rd person now and talk about myself. People like when I take the mic, turn on the camera and speak with my own voice.

As a child, I used to “receive” a repetitive nightmare and several other dreams. As you notice, I prefer the word “receive” rather than “have” when I’m talking about dreams. It’s because I consider dreams as messages. They all have a meaning or a teaching, even if it’s not obvious from the beginning.

My dreams and nightmares have always been amazing. Most of them look like an action film or a fairytale. This is why I was saying that they deserve a book or even a movie. However, thanks to my mentor and friend Brenda Adelman, I decided to let my dreams give birth to a one-woman show.

A show that I created not only for entertainment, but also to deliver you a powerful message. The message that contains the inspiration that you need to overcome your own fears, your own life challenges. As my nightmares helped me overcome my biggest challenges. Are you ready to watch my one-woman show ? 

The passion for interpreting dreams

Overcoming my life challenges started by interpreting my own dreams. To be more specific, finding my own method to interpret my dreams. Because dream interpreting dictionaries were too general.

Interpreting dreams is important for people who want to overcome their life challenges. Why ? Usually, dreams contain valuable information about our biggest fears, about self-doubts and about blocks. Even if this might seem silly, interpreting dreams helped me better know myself, understand my fears and overcome them.

If your dreams look scary or confusing and you wonder what their message is, you can book a discovery call and we will see if I can help you. I won’t give you my method because one method can’t work on everybody. Instead, I will guide you to find your own method to interpret your dreams. Find the symbols and meanings that speak to you. And, most important, understand the message of your dream.

The passion for exploring my thoughts, my fears and the subconscious mind

The interpreting dream method that I’m teaching is inspired by the inner work I’ve done for myself. Using journaling, meditation, hypnosis.

Do you want me to help you in interpreting your dreams and see how we can work together ? Feel free to book a discovery call. It’s free and we will have 30 minutes to find the best option for you.

Be confident, be a courageous soul. Create with love !
